Musina Indira Rafikovna

Musina Indira Rafikovna

Ph.D. specialty 05.13.01 "System analysis, management and information processing".

Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic with a degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management.


  • June 2011- Full refresher course in the following disciplines: Software Testing Technologies; Software Engineering Process;
  • Software Maintenance and Evolution (as part of the EU TEMPUS HEICA (Higher Education Initiative for Informatics in Central Asia) project).
  • 1994-1998 - Postgraduate studies. Direction - “Control in technical systems”, Institute of Automation of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek.
  • Theme of dis. work: "Development of a decision support system for enterprise management under uncertainty."
  • 1975 -1980 - Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, KNU, Bishkek;
  • Diploma specialty: Applied Mathematics.

Scientific publications:

More than 30 articles published by the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, KSTU. I. Razzakova, Ata-Turk Ala-Too International University, Astrakhan University, Technological University of Tajikistan (Dushambe), KRSU named after. B. Yeltsin. Among them is “The forecasting method of economic index figure for dynamic plants under uncertainty”, in the book “Materials of the international conference” Telecommunication and computing systems: a condition and prospects of development”, September, Bishkek, 2001; “Investigation of self- organizing forecasting algorithm for dynamic processes”, in the book “International Conference on Electronics and Computer in Kyrgyzstan”, 2 April 2004, Bishkek.

"Development of a system to support the adoption of multi-stage management decisions in conditions of uncertainty", Izvestiya KSTU im. I. Razzakova, N3 (39), part 1, Bishkek, 2016.

“Development of an automated system for short-term forecasting of the water content of the rivers of Kyrgyzstan and its approbation on the example of the Chu River”, “Caspian Journal: Management and High Technologies”, No. 4 (40). Astrakhan, Astrakhan University Publishing House, 2018.

Participation in projects

  • 2010-2014 TEMPUS “Higher Education Initiative for Informatics in Central Asia”.
  • Received a certificate in software engineering courses: Software Testing Approach, Software Engineering Process, Software Maintenance and Evolution, IT English.

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