Kasymova Gulnara

Kasymova Gulnara Toktokunovna
Education: Higher education.. Frunze Polytechnic Institute, 1977  
Qualification:   civil engineer, spec.: "Heat, gas supply and ventilation"
- Short-term expert of the CASE EC project (2013-2016)
- Local expert in the Kyrgyz Republic INOGATEProgram (short-term) (2012-2016)
- National Expert of the GEF/UNDP program (short-term) (2012)
-  Local Expert (short-term) COMPANYLDK Consultants Engineers and Planners S.A. Projectebrd“Regional:  Energy Efficiency program for commercial sectors.
- Subproject: "Energy Audit for Industrial Enterprises in Mongolia and the Kyrgyz Republic" (2012)
- Local short-term expert of the UNDP GEF project "Energy Efficiency in Buildings of the Kyrgyz Republic" (2012)
- Coordinator in the Kyrgyz Republic and member of Working Group No. 3 of the INOGATE program of European Commission (2005 -2012)
- Member of the working group of the State Agency for Energy under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on the development of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Oil and Gas" and the National state programs of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of fuel and energy complex.
-- Member of the working group on the development of the State Program "Environmental protection and rational use of Natural resources until 2005"
- Member of the working group of the National State Energy Program in the field of development of the fuel and energy balance in the context of regions and in the whole country.
- Expert of the arbitration court in resolving disputes between consumers and producers of energy resources and evaluation of the research report of the project "Development of education in Kyrgyzstan" in the sector "Reconstruction of heating systems in schools".
- Expert in the evaluation of measurements by instruments in the field of fuel and energy complex.
-  Regional expert of the GEF-project of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea..
- Expert and member of the working group of the UNECE SPECA program.

Work experience:   General labor – 35, Pedagogical – 1
Direction of scientific activity: Energy saving, energy efficiency
Number of scientific papers: several published works in the field of heat and power and gas sectors, from 2005 to 2012
Advanced training: 2019. "Engineering pedagogy" according to the program "Psychological and pedagogical activity" of the KSUCTA named after N. Isanov,                              ,
2019. correspondence courses for advanced training in the framework of the program "New opportunities for everyone" (MGSU),                               2020 course of study under the program "Accreditation of educational programs Conducting self-assessment",
2020. Participation in a webinar training for educational programs "Joint international accreditation"
Contact details: work phone. 54-56-84.